Gone is the days where you can mess around and play with us
Gone is the days where you can jump over me and lick or bite whatever you want
Gone is the days, months and years to come
I don't want you at first cause you're so messy
You torn all papers you see, bite all you want, poop and pee anywhere, and waste the water I put on the plastic ware
But you made such change
Everyone cooperates to clean your poop or when its time for you to eat
Everyone bond when you want to play with us or when you're hurt
But gone is the days
I scold and shout at you sometimes but you still want to play with me
I once think that when you die everything would be fine
No torn papers, no one poop and pee anywhere and no mess
But I was wrong, really REALLY wrong
Cause I now learn how to be sad cause you're not around
How to care for you and to love you
But sadly and suddenly
Days, months and years to come is gone
It's now time for us to cry and put all the memories in our hearts
And never say good bye to the one who once taught us how to be patient in life and how to value things
And for you, Keshyy
Days that you live will never be gone in our hearts.
We love you and you will always be missed.